The Design Team

Carrig Renewable Energy Ltd. is a subsidiary of Atlantic Infrastructure Renewables (AIR), which is an Irish owned company based in Co. Limerick.

AIR invests in infrastructure projects across Ireland. Our projects help deliver high-quality infrastructure assets that are essential to society and the communities where they are located.

AIR helps bridge funding, capacity and delivery gaps and provides critical infrastructure ahead of when others might have been able to so.

High quality infrastructure serves societies in terms of contributing to economic growth, local jobs, and strong and vibrant communities.

AIR brings those advantages forward ahead of time, and ahead of when they would otherwise be available to those communities.

MKO is Ireland’s largest planning and environmental consultancy. Our team of 140+ experienced professionals work across planning, environmental, ecology and related fields. MKO has led the environmental assessments throughout all project stages and is preparing the planning permission applications and Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) for the proposed development on behalf of Carrig Renewable Energy Limited.

We Value Your Feedback

We value your feedback during the design process, and we appreciate your consideration of the information provided. Consultation is ongoing and we continue to seek your views in the following ways:


Use the “Contact” portal on the project website

By post to CLO Carrig Renewable Energy Ltd, C/O MKO, Tuam Road, Galway, H91 VW84